Students from IIS Da Vinci De Giorgio in Lanciano, IIS Volta in Pescara, IIS Pomilio in Chieti and IIS Mattei in Vasto will be the protagonists of the “Honda Dreamers” contest promoted by Honda Italia Industriale, as part of activities linked to its fiftieth anniversary, and by the Istituto Tecnico Superiore – Sistema Meccanica in Lanciano.
The students will have the opportunity to compete in the creation of an innovative product in a category to be chosen from among design, accessories and sustainability. The aim of the initiative is to give the students and their tutors valuable work experience in terms of both personal training and knowledge and understanding of new technologies.
The project kicked off with a webinar in which, in addition to the presentation of the contest, participants were shown the history of Honda and in particular that of Honda Italia Industriale, from vision to production processes and initiatives, with a focus on how the idea of an accessory and the livery of a motorbike came about.
“This year Honda Italia is turning 50 years old – explained the Factory Director of Honda Italia, Marcello Vinciguerra, at the opening of the webinar – and the slogan we have chosen, Building next generation Dreamers, is aimed precisely at the dreamers of tomorrow, particularly young people. Through this project we want to take the opportunity to keep alive the relationship with schools; an opportunity for constructive comparison, in which we want to share knowledge and skills, making them available to students who, in turn, will have the task of combining imagination and technical knowledge to present their ideas”.
“These initiatives – emphasizes Paolo Raschiatore, president of the ITS Sistema Meccanica Foundation in Lanciano – are the result of the strong collaborative relationship we have with Honda since the Foundation’s inception and are important because they bring to the attention of families and the public the great opportunity for high-level technical training offered in Abruzzo”.
“Initiatives of this kind – said Principal Annamaria Giusti of the IIS Savoia in Chieti – relate the education system to the productive life of our region and help restore dignity to technical culture”.