Honda is actively committed to protecting the environment and supporting local communities. Among the objectives are the reduction of CO2 emissions, the efficient use of resources, water saving, the protection of biodiversity and the prevention of pollution.
As a company with a global perspective, Honda contributes to the well-being of local communities around the world through its products and technologies.
The global policy for the enviromental protection is carried out through a Local Development Program on the topics of effi ciency and saving, that has involved the replacement of incandescent light sources with time-controlled LED light sources and the installation of the solar panel system named “FV Honda”, that produces over 960 thousand kWh a year, about 13% of the company’s need of energy. This installation allows to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
One of Honda Italia’s strategic goals is to reduce CO2 emissions. The achievement of ISO14001 certification and the registration of EMAS (the fi rst in Europe in this industry) are the proof of this direction.
Modification of the route to reduce the transport distance, consequently the emission of C02.
Direct shipping: from the manufacturer to Honda Italy.
Returnable packaging.
Analysis of the flow of the project process and business cases.
Improve process efficiency with respect to energy consumption: manage energy, make gas consumption, waste and recycling more efficient.
With a view to environmental sustainability, we are also committed to the "zero waste to landfill" project with a portion of recovered waste that exceeded the 80% threshold in the last year.